Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Friday, December 31

`Today 31st ,wahhh.cpt seyh and im nt ready for sch coz my mood is in holidayy`mood.
errr,im going to miss my pri`life and th tyme tht i spend with electro peeps hmmm,im regret for loving someone wrong and let go th one tht i reallyy love )': haiiish,im going to let go of my past tht who have break my heart and next yr ,im going to mutured and nt cry over liittle things.hehee(: and yeaaah,im nt going to countdown hahaa,last min coz going spend time with mummey and both sis.errr,soon going to change my blogskin ^^ohh yaa,people who alrdy watch MFEC video sowiiee if i do nt nice maklumlah pakaii dress hehehe.till here alirte ?malaz nk elaborate(:

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Wednesday, December 29

;Ystrd Maxflexor outiing sungguh best . 
err,ystrdy Azylaa fetch me frm home and tht tyme i still nt ready so she wait inside my house .aftr 20min i ready and tell daddy and im out hehes,then take 109 then reached at serangoon mrt meet [F]then he suddenly hold my hand-.-'then wait for th rest wait for Amie and [D].when [D] saw [F] hold my hand he say to Amie"alamaak geram uhr !"then i was like wtf?so i go far frm them even [F].i dont want them fight abt me and yeaah at mrt i keep standing far frm them then when reached at esplanade i keep walking behind and walk so slowly then [F] say i ohhkeh or nt and i shouted at hym im ohhkeh,hehee sowiie liao(: then i walk but behind [F] then i sit down and Azylaa come say something abt [D] so i like hack care?hehs.thenthen [D] come and slowly talk to me then i say i ohhkeh and all tht then he walk off then in 3min tyme i also walk off and [D] catching me so i walk more faster and faster then he hold my hand .makoittt !satu`satu pegang tngn akuh siaak,akuh bukan muraahan siul ,then when i ohhkeh i sit down with Azylaa,and she think i paitao her siaaksiaak .then i noticed [D] scarstic with [F] keep scolding and scolding and with me like polite way-.-'then i pity with [F] ,haiishh when [F] wanted to say something [D] keep saying "eh,thaak tnyr kao uhr"

arnd 2plus BbySanchina come then at esplanade do video so i was like kental coz im wearing dress and i do slowly and i knw people say "eyfaa peyh electro kental uhr leyh kalahkn"who think tht hahaa nk verti ehy ?pikir btl`btl taw laen kali .
aftr doing video wanted to go orchard and guess wht ?kte sesaat coz i keep saying walk straight hahaa,sowiee ye(:then aftr reached at little india mrt [F] go home and [D] was superb happy ,so he going to tackle me-.-'malaz nk layan ,reached at orchard sit down and drink/eat .then went to scape sit down and lepak .arnd 6plus went home semuaa dh penat then take mrt me,Amie,Azylaa and [D] stop at bishan while bbysanchina at yew tee .inside mrt otw to serangoon Azylaa wanted to see my hand so i show and it was superb kechyk untill [D] laugh at me.siaak krg akuh tawuk uhr tngn akuh kechyk):then take 43 stop at Azylaa house there and walk home(:

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Monday, December 27
`gmbr lamerh(:

;Ystrdy sungguh PENAT !(:
when amgmokio arnd 11plus mummey hantar thenthen reached alrdy at aunty hse sit like innocent girl hahaa,coz sister sleep there before th engaged day .thenthen get ready to go out and we went out at 2plus then tibee'tibee hujan so no choice take taxi separated me and both sis aunty and couzin.then reached at woodland saw aunty and all ,then wait for daddyy like an hour .daa lmbt buleyh senyum lagy-.-'went upstairs and guess wht ?SEMPETTT!then take food and eat hahah,thenthen went inside to see th bride ,damn pretty liao .and both sister gataal nk tunang jugak-.-'aftr tht we went home at 4plus .padahaal thaak balek hahah .went town instead haha coz waiiting for mummey also .we went town mestii tngk makeup hhaha untill aunty say "saperh`saperh nyr bdayy beli makeup je laa"then i smile hahhaa !(: then shopping till 8plus aftr tht eat at dunnoe where hahah and its near at muumey peyh hotel "HolidayyInn"aftr everybody done eating we chit`chat till 10plus hahha ,siaaksiaak !then wait for mummeyy like 1hour then mummey done work alrdy meet her and then take taxii infront of mummey hotel then home sweet home .and nw chatting w/ ryshaa hehs tht pretty girl .hmm,open fcebk je adr 23notification baru whole dayy thaak online hahaha .(;

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Saturday, December 25
Im bored so let me elaborate for 2nd post ohekh ?(:
errr,timecheck;11.05 and yeaah still havent sleep ,cant sleep ehy ,dunnow why in a sudden i feel heartbroken like there's something going happen.haiiishh)':hmm,seriously i want to trnfr sch to Sengkang .bt i guess its to late and i knw mummey wont let .i actuallyy want SengkangSec bt i posted to Compassvale-.-'err,nehmiind i hear tht Compassvale is fun/interesting bt th rules is strict and yeaah,must dye my hair black thaak kn nk ckp naturaal kn ?nmpk saa scarsctic.hmmm,im bored thts why im blogging nw .currentlyy webcam w/ Azylaa and chat w/ Zul .hmm,just nw i fcking angry to thiis girl ishishish !she say i have no originality wahseeyh !herself dont want to say-.-infact mau step JAMBU !err,find out daddyy and muumeyy nvr let me dye hair they let me extention je ,apaadaah ,extention daa laa sakit nk sikat pn susaa.hahah !infact nw i strted use extention bt opened sch will open it and throw away .first-first it pink nw gold hahahah .tukaar`tukaar colour ehy sayee ?hmm,nw mummey nvr sleep watching koreaa ,hahaha(:errr,tmrw will have couziin peyh sister engaged nt todayy heheh,paiseyh liaao .hmmm,i feel like there's something going wrong ,arghhh !kayy diaam.eh-eh ex`bf sayee flirt nan kwn sayee .menyampar nk habiis sayee .andand tdy mummey balek dan kasii sayee christmas present and im NOT celebrate alrite ?hehheek.i get a snow bear and a small garfield.huakhuak suke !suke !(:hmm,when im going town ?im bored nk mamps .hahaha ,aru wednesdayy gy .i guess this wed sayee kuar nan crew sayee gy plazaa sing tngk wayang then uat video .alaaamaak !video ?tkde energy laaa)':ohkeh laaa smpaii sini saje .(:

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;Today someone bdayy(:
Later will wish her yaw nw let's updatee teheess(;just nw chat with myy senior hahha funfun !then just nw otp with hym wahsseyyh !we keep laughiing like mad person.soon will meet hym bcoz soon he will join myy crew .errr,one of my bbyG delete my name away frm her fcebk baek ehy kao ?akuh ingt kao,kao lupekn akuh -.-'hmm,later will be going out with both sis coz my couzin her sister get engaged .
Soon ,i will save money to buy my fav thiings .hehehek.and yeaah Pendeq get peihwa sec same goes Azylaa ,errr jagee dhe alritee ?hahaha .soyaaal btl akuh .hmmm,i have nothing to sayy alrdyy bt i guess if you free look at my tumblr alritee ?[http://when-love-comesaround.tumblr.com]and yeaah,do visit ohkeh .


Happyy`bdayy mummeyy tercintaa (:
Yeaah !mummeyy sudaa thaaktahu umur brapee hehehek.lastlong nan daddy smpii tuaa alrite ?(:daddyy JAHAT y'knw kate nk kasii bear tapii thaak kasii`kasii hahaha cheeyy !meypek laa daughter .errr,meet youh soon Dyyaanaa !(: Isayangyouh mummeyy !^_^

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Friday, December 24

Let me eleborate abt yestrdy alrite ? 
Ystrdy wake up at 7.30 then bath,doll up then take 88 off to CompassvaleSec.firstlyy saw my senior thenthen i saw my friend so i smile at hym .baeek kn ?hehees.so take register form blablablaa sit down at class teacher talk nan semangat hahaa .then saw minaah`rep in my heart sayy nie ank action laa pulaak .baruu umur 12.she look at me so i action becom INNOCENT !(Y) HAAHAAXD !aftr tht me and muumey kene seperate i go to another class to do dunnoe wht haahaa.thenthen fill up this survey then one boy beside me keep lookiing at me infact dhe mcm MAKSALLEH !hahahaa.sit down like 5min then take size of th tshirt nw i relized tht my size is 34 nt 36 hahhaa paiseyy uhr paisey-.-aftr all done went outside find mummey then off to canteen .text Aishaah and Azylaa abt wht had happen thenthen Aishaah say BartlySec nt good infact th uniform nt nicee ,hahaa .maybe todayy she going to change sch to NorthVista i think ?hmmm,arnd 10plus off to compass buy food then takee 80 go vivo to repair my handp.then 10.30-12.30 at th bus and i was like freaking COOL .then reached call Eyma where is she blablablaa .then meet her at level2 then go to handp thingy .Eyma and Iyaa keep telling me hw th sch and i get irrets by them-.-'aftr tht go counter take num wait for my turn ,when its my turn i tell th person whts wrong with my handp and he sayy he will return bck in 5-7days then i say why he say bcoz SatSun nvr opened so i was like ohkeh then mummey say she want to watch moviie ,so we watch movie at orchard dunnoe which area .bt firstly went to bukit merah to register for Eymaa hospital blablabla otw there Eyma teach me hw to sing th sch song hahhaa,kayy diam .then suddenly Eyma say to Iya "Ex eyfa compassvale kn?"then she laugh out loud i was like FUCK hehehe(:aftr reached there alrdy Eyma filled th form like 10min ?aftr all done we take cab go orchard buy ticket then shopping arnd and i saw supraa(:then take mrt stop at dhouby ghaut to eat at pizaahut aftr eat chit`chat like 15min aftr chit`chat we off to mrt and stp at orchard buy popcorn,drinks and snack and then wait for a min and then off to inside th movie and we watch narniaa case nk tahu aperh jdy last part hehhee.it was funny bt th last part sodeyyhh .hehehe^_^aftr watching movie walk to orchard central .i hate when i shopping when i dont have money last`last belii headband .then take cab went home reached there arnd 8plus .went home daddy first word is "EYFAAA !"iretts nk mampos .then i bath then open lappy .

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Tuesday, December 21
So im MIA-ing at my aunty house,sleep there w/ my couziin(:
First dayy`181210
Meet couziin at Amk station and yeaah,i was late hehe.meet here wave and smile .and i was shock coz she nvr bring colthes she taught we only gonaa visit-.-and i tell here that i sleep there for 3days .then she dunnoe wht to do she text her father sleep there 3days 2nite huakhuak.reached at aunty house ,salam here and there bnyk siul org.SEMPET !hmm,saw Fattah pull his hair and say "dh jadyy abg-abg belom ?"hehee.sit and sofa take pic with couzin .then we talk our past when we were small laugh here and there then suddenly we get tired so rest for awhile .then 15min later we wakeup .then arnd 6.30 went amk buy snacks for nite tyme coz nk tngk citee "VampireDairies"then Fattah keep calling my name-.-then when all sleep alrdy me and couzin went to kitchen talk abt future hahaa,soyaaal !then gosiip then talk abt amk peeps hahaa,siaak je kteorg .then watch "ApaKataHati"then suddenly i sleep .then i have nitemare ,punyer laa klakaa .hahaa hmmm,then wakeup arnd 11plus .

Second dayy`191210
Wakeup,bath then dollup .then watch tv suddenly have stomach cramp .punyer laa sakit .then rest for awhile arnd 6.30 play monopoly with maid hehee^_^then aunty and uncle come agaiin .hmm,thenthen watch tv then watch "BrainScan"then arnd 11plus watch wujud4 then myy feeling is like somethiing gonnaa happen then 20min later auntyy kene sampok me and myy couziin faster stand up then something frm th toilet fall down i faster-faster prayy .errr,it quit scarry then use aunty hp call myy hse tell daddyy then call myy uncle also and tell the same thing in 30min they come and i started to cry coz i scared to th max(:then auntyy scared me liao keep rolling eyes to me .hmm,then arnd 4plus all th promblem settle then daddy ask me and couzin to sleep then when we gonaa sleep we feel something wrong as tht thing like arnd us and watching us .then i faster went to sleep .then next mrning wakeup at 12.30 hehehe(:

Last dayy'201210
Wakeup then watch tv arnd 12plus auntyy and Fattah just came bck frm KKhospital bcoz of Fattah [insert]hehees.both of my couzin and me didnt bath hahhaa,arnd 4plus then we bath hahha,case malaaz .then arnd 5plus went home couzin take mrt i take bus hehee.otw home sar VP hahaa.kekek !(:then went home rest like dead people hehee.

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Wednesday, December 15
daddy suprise me by buyiing me a handp its look like a blackberyy bt it's nokiaa.awww,like it alot heehs,thaanks daddy !>3 hmmm,,still use th old num bt when people text me i dunnoe who hehek^_^errr,,this fri going sentosaa first`first bnyk org pegyy than last miin thaakbuleyh .apaadaah-.-Azylaa also cannt go alamaak !no fun,no joke,no laughter .nie case akuh kene gy srg laa?hmm,tkpe-tkpe daa biaser .anywayy nw im alone at hme BORED !daddy and mummy out pegy mnr entaa .Iya go work,Eyma sch .anywayy i miss th boy upstairs FAZIL .awww,he cute .manerh laa kao pegy i miss ur laugh,smile,cry and ur manjee-manjee hehee.hope to see youh soon^_^Iloveyaa !

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Monday, December 13

See th pic upstairs ?its her bdayy,HAPPYY`BDAYY NURKHAIRIAH th onlyy iretitiing sister^_^err,as youh all knw myy previous post has a scaryy thing .hahaa .thanks to myy bestf AZEEZII for helping me hmm,daddy at home makiin hari makiin bisiing seyh ,iretts nk mamps-.-err,,ohkeh ,todayy whole familyy bad mood ahsl ehy ?huakhuak .infact today is Iya bdayy should be happy then badmood .ystrdy otp w/ ZulStarstruckElectronica heeehs,Holidays are goiing to end soon and yeaah at home i always eat,sleep,fcebk and watch tv .cn be fat later heheek .soon will have outiing with Amir .heeehs .errr,im bored at home bt this fri going to sentosaa with amk peeps and jurong .hmm,,nw myy eyes are SEPET !two days i sleep late Azylaa bnyk ehy kao online-.-hhmm,,makiin bnyk org buatt electro crew tapii semuaa meypek.dlm duniaa nie cume adr; Voltro,Ghetto,MaxFlexor,Maestro,UltroVolutionz and Lolectrix yg laen ?meypek !hahaha (:

Thanks for company me sleep ysrtdy,ystrdy .heeheee,appericiate alot laa .thanks for cheer me up when i down ,and thanks for telling me abt [insertname]hehee .i suke ! i suke !(: remember the first tyme we met at handerson wave?and it was damn funnyy^_^meet youh soon ayee bestf ?and happyy always ayee? tkmo sad`sad those bitch doesnt appericiate ur love towards them heehs(:Iloveyouh Bestf !;D

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Saturday, December 11
Ystrdy there's a muslim event tht is call "Circumcision of Couziin;Fattah " i bet all th muslim knw wht is it err,, mummey ask to invite myy friend so i did,i invite Azylaa since she are one who onlyy free .she supposed to meet me at 11 instead she sleep late .so i meet her at myy void deck arnd 12+ .aftr tht went to my crib and she salam all myy aunty's and uncle's hehehe .then sit at one corner chit-chat and laugh here and there then suddenlyy decided to camwhore Azylaa cameraa have alot of myy picture ,heehs^_^then watch scary movie its was DAMN scaryy untill i shout infront of myy couzin,aunty and uncle .then i suddenly touched Azylaa leg haahaa perangaii mcm soyaal siul .i was so annoying tat tyme bcoz i scared to th max .went to sis room and lay down with myy dearest couziin;Fattah hehehe .he 24hours with lappyyy and dont want to come out due to his painess-.-then some of Iya friend went hme at 6.30 while Azylaa went home at 7.30 hmm,,aftr Azylaa went home i feel so tired coz joke arnd with here like mad person .then reletive went home onlyy uncle,auntyy,grandmother and maid went home late bt grandmother and maid went home earlier arnd 10.00 while th others arnd 12 .aftr all went hme i bath and feel scared nk mamps bcoz watching scaryy movie .and i sleep at 12.15 then wakeup at 12.55 i feel scared to death and feel something then i went living room and open all th lights even th kitchen .then i started to text;Dzul,Xanchi,Amin,Ahzezii .bt Amin i ardy told hym to company me before all my aunty and uncle went home hmmm,then at 1.05 Ahzezii text me i feel relieved and i tell hym th storyy and he say he will pray for me then i on9 Adilaa on9 i tell her th storyy too and she sayy to go youtube and hear "AyatKerusi" and before i sleep i must read thiis prayyer thing so i did wht she ask me to do then i off9 then text w/ Ahzezii and Amin. Ahzezii help me alot .then suddenlyy i feel asleep when i say wht Adilaa ask me to say (: Thanks to Adilaa and Ahzezii for helping me ^_^Next tyme i dont want to watch AGAIN !

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Thursday, December 9

;HollyyShiit !I started to miss myy dearest twiineyy. 
Currentlyy chatiing w/ Azylaa and talk abt th tyme with Saiff `twiin hehehe^_^ hmm,sometimes i always fight with myy dearest twiin;MuhdSaifBinRosly .aww,where hve youh been ?are youh alrite there ?err,i started to woryy abt youh .dont be naughtyy alrite ?heeehs.lastlong w/ Nuraishah !dont flirt with another girls okaeyy (; eerr,,i miss the tyme we play raceling haha,damn funny !errr,ioveyouh laa twiin !^_^ 


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Wednesday, December 8

;Just finished clean up myy house^_^
hmm,couzin came to myy house err,,aunty and grandmother also come .grandmother briing along her maiid(:clean here and there clean myy room and nw its clean like hell bt there's alot of clothes-.-hw am i going to sleep ?!hahhaa .hmmm,,myy dearest couziin;Fattah dye hair .wtf ?!its was blonde .i was damn jelous bt i alrdyy dye so no need to jelous hehehe .haiish,,tmrw Azylaa and IraahKecoh went out to esplanade too bad  i cant go ,have fun ehy krg !(:wht happen to me ?im become weak .and nw i fight with Pendeq .bagos laa tuh .i fedup with hym uhr .he always make me mad to th max .seriouslyy soon im goiing to let hym go err, no choice )':hmm,people who have myy num please dont text or call alrite ?hp spoil .will get new hp soon and maybe i will change myy num .remember please dont CALL or TEXT !^_^

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Monday, December 6

`Err,,just finished watchiing PuteriOmera .
 Hmm..its just make me flashback abt someone tht i really love bt nw no more)':The storyy make me sad and cry haiishh,.and theyy ans all myy question in my heart(':hmmm,maybe one day i will find myy true love bcoz people say true love will last forever heeheek^_^currently chatting w/ Azylaa .and i find out she play skate dh minat laa tuh -.-'hmm,im going to dye my hair again,i knw this colour nice for some people .bcoz it red .tapii eyfaa peyh phsl laa kn?heehe .and rebond?i nt cnfirm yet coz i scared my hair spoiled hehe .arghhh !i havent topup yet .bored deyh cant text people lagyy`lagyy pendeq .maybe will top-up soon .and yeaah,i fedup with tumblr frm just nw keep sayying"We'll be back in shortly"wtf?!i hate thiis kind of stuff its iretts alot.

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Sunday, December 5
Hurt Alot )':

;I give up .
Seriouslyy i dunnoe who i love/like .day by day myy love is change to tht person to another .when i send a fcebk msg to[insertname]he replyy as he dont care abt me alrdyy .i guess i must move on .and youh all no need to know who is 'insertname'errr,i myss th msg he give me,th nite msg and th sweet msg .it just make me love hym each dayy.and when i sad he are th one who make me laugh .i guess he's nt important to me anymore err,thts is whyy i scared to be in love .i phobia abt itt .arghhh !wht happen to me ?i change alot .and next yr ?lets see hw myy life is goiing .fuuuhh,wht a sad lyfe .i cn be look happyy bt inside i broken .cry here and there .i must let go all my love .and goiing to have fun w/ babyG .if pendeq ?i dont think i let go of hym and there's a reason why .

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Saturday, December 4

;Just finished doing my blogskins .thanks to Tasiaa for finding me th skins and th backgrnd lolikeitt(:while,,as u knw fcebk semuaa tukar jadyy cartoon hahaa.hmm,Azylaa youh need me ahsl ehy is it serious heehes?errr,17dec will went out w/ lovelites .holyyshit !i havent buy supraa ,and im goiing to buy soon same goes to Azylaa .err,even do Azylaa and me were different sch we still cn meet infact our house quit near .and IraahMeowMeow ?i guess she goiing sengkang hmm,nehmiind still cn meet at court and th rest ?maybe laa ehy heehs .bt i will often meet Pendeq and Aiishaah .coz we always hang out together heehes .so yeaah,i still nt readyy to have a secondaryy life infact everybodyy excited onlyy me are th one is nt,haiiish ..i guess nextyr goiing to concentrate in myy electro and secondaryy life .hmm,love ?i guess will be complicated .bt i hope nt.my electro are going deprove since i knw[insertname]still love me ,wtf?he hate me and then love me .err,and want a patch ?waitt long`long laa .infact youh hurt me alot .who know my ex keep quite ayee ?(:

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