Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Saturday, December 4

;Just finished doing my blogskins .thanks to Tasiaa for finding me th skins and th backgrnd lolikeitt(:while,,as u knw fcebk semuaa tukar jadyy cartoon hahaa.hmm,Azylaa youh need me ahsl ehy is it serious heehes?errr,17dec will went out w/ lovelites .holyyshit !i havent buy supraa ,and im goiing to buy soon same goes to Azylaa .err,even do Azylaa and me were different sch we still cn meet infact our house quit near .and IraahMeowMeow ?i guess she goiing sengkang hmm,nehmiind still cn meet at court and th rest ?maybe laa ehy heehs .bt i will often meet Pendeq and Aiishaah .coz we always hang out together heehes .so yeaah,i still nt readyy to have a secondaryy life infact everybodyy excited onlyy me are th one is nt,haiiish ..i guess nextyr goiing to concentrate in myy electro and secondaryy life .hmm,love ?i guess will be complicated .bt i hope nt.my electro are going deprove since i knw[insertname]still love me ,wtf?he hate me and then love me .err,and want a patch ?waitt long`long laa .infact youh hurt me alot .who know my ex keep quite ayee ?(:

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