Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Wednesday, December 29

;Ystrd Maxflexor outiing sungguh best . 
err,ystrdy Azylaa fetch me frm home and tht tyme i still nt ready so she wait inside my house .aftr 20min i ready and tell daddy and im out hehes,then take 109 then reached at serangoon mrt meet [F]then he suddenly hold my hand-.-'then wait for th rest wait for Amie and [D].when [D] saw [F] hold my hand he say to Amie"alamaak geram uhr !"then i was like wtf?so i go far frm them even [F].i dont want them fight abt me and yeaah at mrt i keep standing far frm them then when reached at esplanade i keep walking behind and walk so slowly then [F] say i ohhkeh or nt and i shouted at hym im ohhkeh,hehee sowiie liao(: then i walk but behind [F] then i sit down and Azylaa come say something abt [D] so i like hack care?hehs.thenthen [D] come and slowly talk to me then i say i ohhkeh and all tht then he walk off then in 3min tyme i also walk off and [D] catching me so i walk more faster and faster then he hold my hand .makoittt !satu`satu pegang tngn akuh siaak,akuh bukan muraahan siul ,then when i ohhkeh i sit down with Azylaa,and she think i paitao her siaaksiaak .then i noticed [D] scarstic with [F] keep scolding and scolding and with me like polite way-.-'then i pity with [F] ,haiishh when [F] wanted to say something [D] keep saying "eh,thaak tnyr kao uhr"

arnd 2plus BbySanchina come then at esplanade do video so i was like kental coz im wearing dress and i do slowly and i knw people say "eyfaa peyh electro kental uhr leyh kalahkn"who think tht hahaa nk verti ehy ?pikir btl`btl taw laen kali .
aftr doing video wanted to go orchard and guess wht ?kte sesaat coz i keep saying walk straight hahaa,sowiee ye(:then aftr reached at little india mrt [F] go home and [D] was superb happy ,so he going to tackle me-.-'malaz nk layan ,reached at orchard sit down and drink/eat .then went to scape sit down and lepak .arnd 6plus went home semuaa dh penat then take mrt me,Amie,Azylaa and [D] stop at bishan while bbysanchina at yew tee .inside mrt otw to serangoon Azylaa wanted to see my hand so i show and it was superb kechyk untill [D] laugh at me.siaak krg akuh tawuk uhr tngn akuh kechyk):then take 43 stop at Azylaa house there and walk home(:

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