Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Saturday, December 25
Im bored so let me elaborate for 2nd post ohekh ?(:
errr,timecheck;11.05 and yeaah still havent sleep ,cant sleep ehy ,dunnow why in a sudden i feel heartbroken like there's something going happen.haiiishh)':hmm,seriously i want to trnfr sch to Sengkang .bt i guess its to late and i knw mummey wont let .i actuallyy want SengkangSec bt i posted to Compassvale-.-'err,nehmiind i hear tht Compassvale is fun/interesting bt th rules is strict and yeaah,must dye my hair black thaak kn nk ckp naturaal kn ?nmpk saa scarsctic.hmmm,im bored thts why im blogging nw .currentlyy webcam w/ Azylaa and chat w/ Zul .hmm,just nw i fcking angry to thiis girl ishishish !she say i have no originality wahseeyh !herself dont want to say-.-infact mau step JAMBU !err,find out daddyy and muumeyy nvr let me dye hair they let me extention je ,apaadaah ,extention daa laa sakit nk sikat pn susaa.hahah !infact nw i strted use extention bt opened sch will open it and throw away .first-first it pink nw gold hahahah .tukaar`tukaar colour ehy sayee ?hmm,nw mummey nvr sleep watching koreaa ,hahaha(:errr,tmrw will have couziin peyh sister engaged nt todayy heheh,paiseyh liaao .hmmm,i feel like there's something going wrong ,arghhh !kayy diaam.eh-eh ex`bf sayee flirt nan kwn sayee .menyampar nk habiis sayee .andand tdy mummey balek dan kasii sayee christmas present and im NOT celebrate alrite ?hehheek.i get a snow bear and a small garfield.huakhuak suke !suke !(:hmm,when im going town ?im bored nk mamps .hahaha ,aru wednesdayy gy .i guess this wed sayee kuar nan crew sayee gy plazaa sing tngk wayang then uat video .alaaamaak !video ?tkde energy laaa)':ohkeh laaa smpaii sini saje .(:

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