Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Sunday, February 27

`Suuuppp . 
yestrday went out with love .meet him downstairs my block then off to take 161 to woodlands he just finished mendaki and i never let him changed ,heheee^^reached woodlands walk`walk buy food and went bck to hgg wait at his void deck let him changed .take 80 to vivo otw there we talk non-stop pls .last`last he so tired and rest at my leg .rmbt satu mcm peyh geli-.-' he say something tht me melts and little bit im going to cry .when i was sleeping at his shoulder he whispered in my ears and say 'Iloveyou' kembang dibuatnyr .reached vivo went skypark find a place to sit and then we camewhore .i tell him abt my family promblem and he advise me to be patient .arnd 5plus take bus and went home .otw at bus we keep gossip abt this uncle .i laugh my ass out pls .damn kekek .i really enjoy my day with him .he know me so well even do he just know me a few weeks ,i wondered if  `F would be like him ,hmmm. at last my hmwk finished so today i just need to revised for up coming test .sadded tht love cant online due to his computer spoil and he also cant use his phone to online .going to miss him pls .i upload one pict and another pict he will upload on mon ^^

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Friday, February 25

`Im not going to let this happen .
school was fine this day i dont want to elaborate about it kaay ?im sad with myself im dissapointed with my attitude im angry with him ,tht he changed to worst but still i try my best to smile and keep myself quiet .i hope by end of this month everything will be fine .why must this always happen to me ?tsk .i choose `E over `F bcoz `F has become worst he even dunno wht he had done ,i hope he know how i feel now days .im sorry if i have hurt you `F .

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Sunday, February 20

-/Tmrw is Monday ,i still havent finished my hmwk. 
i have two tall guys who always cheer me up in school `E and `F .not at sch only ,everywhere.i appreciate alot .yesterday i argues with my second sis ,i dont want to elaborate about it as you guys have know what i write at my status .fcking fedup with my family .`E advise me to patience and not think about it .i guess he can be my happy pill .tsk ,long time never chat with Zulkarneen ,maybe he so buzy .if him ,he would give me his hug and told me to relex sometimes he tell me his funny joke .im kindda lucky to have some guys who always cheer me up .and some of my boy classmate told me if i cry and he know who make me sad he going to beat up tht guy .ohh like real .hahaa-.-make ur school pants long first before you want to beat up .i hate social studies manxz .keep giving us project .and this week project is th worst .i confirm alot of people will never bring or do.thats how my class ,if dunno then never bring and waste time like hell:/ ohh shit .i have eyebag and it kindda big like a pandaa eyes .get rid of it pls(:

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Friday, February 18
`My blog are getting dusty .lets update.

Monday :
Valentine's day ,i get gift and one of th dedication song .i just know that is Farhan.awww,sweet laa you tinggi.i sayang u boleyh ?^^ aftr sch ,slacked at canteen and talk abt some random stuff girlf make me laugh non stop.aftr sch ,slacked at SP.make video .my electro has deproved.sadded.i wonder if i wanted to upload or not ,later tht bitch comment yg tk perlu-.-'went home at 5plus .

Tuesday&Wednesday : 
School was normal ,only i have no mood to talk with anyone that day.i really sad with one of my classmate.please change laa.you getting worst): 

Thursday :
was my bad day ,have bad headache then teacher let me sleep in class when maths period ,but sadded th class was damn noisy i try my best to sleep in class but i cant help it ,i just sleep like 15mins .bagos laa krg-.- 

Friday :
School was normal ,but half of th class keep playing my valentine's gift ,Bigbird^^some say did i sell them ,hell no ,i wont sell .sorry.buy yourslef eh ?hehs.aftr sch ,got cca ,photography.learn about camera hehee.aftr sch saw E .he send me bck home .otw to bus-stop we argue .tsk ,perangai tk perlu ehy kiteorg .at bus we keep staring at each other .tgk org satu semacm seyh.went home at 4plus .reached home ,pengsan^^

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Sunday, February 13
 -;Muke Masai~

`No more 121210 .
I had enough ,2ndmnthsary wish pn tk ikhlas ,eyfaa bnyk peyh syiok sendiri wish dhe panjang`panjang dpt alek ?TEARS !just bcoz of hym ,i like scold everybody .valentine's day semuaa adr couple ,i sit at canteen and just watched-.-'i know this will happen.arghh ,change topic pls .Dnt hmwk still havent do ,i seriously hate Dnt manzx ,makee me stress nk mampat.somemore malay ,nvr do hmwk kene menyakong ,tsk .tht time when cny i nvr bring novel kene menyakong mcm soyaal.setengah jam pulaak tuh ,hmmm.i sayang budak 3A and 3B pls and Farhan ,Rinaa`Sabrinaa andand NanaaDolly .they cheer me up ,they make me smile and i like it alot.hehee.yes ,im too young to sad and etc .i want to enjoy life with them.ohh pls ,my eyebag are getting worst ,ihateit .tmrw i cnfirm th couple will go to school together .heheee^^ i may be going to sch with Elyas but he's not my boyf aitees.

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Thursday, February 10

I have not updatee like 4days duee to my lazyness heehs.today im so tired till i sleep at Lifeskill period its likee all th girls sleeping on tht period ,seriously today we have alot of running.valentine's are all around ,who should i celebrate with ?naaah ,maybee i spend tht time with myself.i will just see couple all around me in school and just wishing to others.tsk ,i havee a fever pls ,but still come to school and act tht im ohhkay.i really hope he knw wht i want frm him ohhh-please. pls changee to th old bck you :'(

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Sunday, February 6

Ystrdy was fun pls ,i supposed to meet Zul then last min changee tk jdy so meet my longlost friend,Nizam .kwn je ehy bkn mataaey.arnd 0300 meet him at woodlands mrt ,dhe sikit peyh lmbt ,saw him then we off to CausewayPoint .we taught at there havee cinemaa last'last tkdee ,angkt paiseyh .then frm there went yishun ,lgy angkt paisey tkdee jugaak so we decide to go choachukang patah baleek lgy .then reached there buy tiix th movie strt at 0500 so we left 20mins ,so decied to go to th rooftop park.then went bck to th cinema and off to th theater .insidee there we talk non-stop .heheee.when th movieee strt semuaa diam ,inside th theater there's only few people .th movie end at 0630 aftr tht Nizam company bck home till Angmokio station ,fuuhh umaa kao daa kt BukitPanjang ,abis hantar aqu-.-'baeek jugaak kao ,hehee.ohhyaa ,he also treat me th moviee.bnyk peyh baek then th last part we take pict ,hahaa,we look like one couple.

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Wednesday, February 2

Happy'Birthday Twinneyhlovee(:
May ur wishes come truee aitees ?and lastlong with your boyfiee^^
Sorry for th late updatee yeaaa.was too buzy.

-/Today was half day of school and th celebration was bored and yeaa today went home with Ellyas .ops i dunnoe hw to spell his name pls .heehs.while Farhan badly want to slacked with his friend.so i let him be ,otw to bus'stop Ellyas say to me 'Eh ,pendek perh kao' busteed ehy kao-.-'kao bnyk peyh tinggi ,tsk .at bus was kekek tkleyh tahan pls.alight at yiochukang pri.saw my junior go court with her .saw Rynastasiaa ,MarianaaYana and alots they hug me so tight ,and im so miss them likee pls.aftr tht saw my BoyTwinney he look like moody but still i hug him.saw Saif `twin ,kao bnyk peyh berubaa siaa.i want th old you .all my boybestiee berubaa siaa.yeaa ,daa adr kwn baru kn ?lupeekn twinney kao kt sini-.-meet aishah at NEXX mall then went bugis ,she treat me dress ,awww ,thanks bbytwin^^ sukeee sngt.

-/Im tired to think abt you again `A

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