Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Sunday, January 30
 [Th old time with me and my best twinney love] 
`ignore my face-.-

eheh ,im so bored .this day th rain cant stop .gemok uhr lu hujan .hmm ,my schmate was cute i even dunnoe him yet he give his num and say "if you have promblem with your studies you cn approach me"boredness ,hahaa.my class was really awesome but there's only two BIGBIG bear makee such a fuss and th chinearhyee laaa kao ,checkcheck laen bende yg kao nk anuh kt aqu-.-'erhhm ,tmrw strt sch alrdyy .fast ehy ?maybee this coming saturday will watch movie with classmate or go bugis due to se guy ?they cn be noisy and naughty but they friendly not likee BIGBIG bear always make a promblem untill th senior must find them ,ohh yaa ,th bear also cutee cn make couple .one girl one boy .heehs .must stead before valentine's day uhr krg(: somemore MALAY .ohhmyyy-.-' i miss Farhan pls .but he sometimes made me iretts tht i hate it .errr,valentine's day should i celebrate or nt ?kindaa lazy.

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Friday, January 28
its was fun pls ,no need to elaborate yeaa ,aftr sch went Claraa house to do project with girlf's but Syakirah`kiraa ,Nabilah plus me didnt do we gossip here and there ,its was damn kekek pls .i laugh till i drop heehs.aftr we done with project we play fcebk and we all get a dare and minee worst must say "i like razin 3A"but i change as bdk kechyk .rabak pe dare ?and it totally not true.aftr finished our project , Claraa went 7-eleven to buy food and drinks Aidaa and me follow while th rest must takecare of th house .heehs ,ktee buat rumaah mcm rumaah dirii sendiri .eat maggie while eating i make them laugh they laugh likee hell-.-'we supposed to take pict but we was buzy abt th dared till we forget .bagos laa perangai ktee(Y).otw homee we laugh ,we shout ,we talk out loud^^ i still remember we play PE its was damn fun and funny we was so childish run likee mad cat/dog .and sadly one of my girlf  hurts .Get well soon Arfiqah !(:

first period was science it supposed to have a presentation but Arfiqah never come and yet our timedrive at her .and yeaa tell th teacher abt th promblem and we must do on tuesday .then Langarts and follow by PE then recess .when recess time Farhan was outside my class i dunnoe how come he cn come out o.0 talk to him for awhile and he make me pissed off so i call him "ChickenPie" then he keep quiet .so i tell him u want " "ChickenPie"or "Chibai" and then he say he want "Bopleyk"if u all dunnoe just diaam`diaam kay .i hit his hand then he likee step my foot .sakiittt siaa .i shout also he hack care .mcm bagos .aftr sch stay at canteen went home at abt 2 reached home arnd 0230plus . ohh yaa ,went i wanted to change to PE there's funny thing happen and i wont forget tht ,i was at th toilet while one of my classmate alrdy change to her PE .Syakirah`Kiraa tell tht girl something then Syakirah`Kiraa look at me and i look at my classmate .guess wht ?she wear PE likee terbaleek way ,i look at her then i laugh out loud untill Nabilah join th laugh ,it was damn funny pls and nw i still cant stop laughing ,HAHAA !KEKEK UHR LU SIS !:D

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Tuesday, January 25

Im little bit gonaa late for school .
school was fun and somemore my promblems are settlee i guess 2011 nt suck at all(: as i say just nw i little bit late for sch if i late again i will get detention ,hmmm,bagos laa tuh-.-''at class was damn bored somemore there's a girl mau step manjee depan cikgu alamaak ,daa maki abis nk manjee laa pulak-.-aftr sch meet Farhan at canteen settle promblem like 10mins ?and donee ,so NOMORE promblems.fuuuhhh.then sit with Nanaa,Rinaa and others.it was fun ,ohhyaa .i have same laugh as Nanaa^^ went home with Farhan otw home ,Farhan tell me something .he keep repeating "sorry"aiyo ,daa laaa tuh ,promblem daa selesai .sayee sukee senior and girlf sayee ,caring laa sngt^^

;-ohhh ,sayee tk layan perangai awk lagy laa .daa serek(: sayee malaz nk caryk pasal nan awk ,tibee-tibee buat perangai ehy ?bagos laa tuh .sayee hari-harii sakit ?eeee,matee potek ehy-.-ohhh ,bagos ehy ,kwn lamerh mcm gyni perangai .erhhm ,ahsl tk buleyh ke mataaey sayee layan sayee 24/7 ?tk susah kn awk kn ?ohhh ,nw im nt your twiiney kay ?go find new one and tht is good for you !(Y)merepeek nk cair siaa.

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Saturday, January 22
:-I miss th old us):

-;Long time nvr elaborate .so lets th story(:

Ystrdy was bad day of mine .i cry in class like 3times .untill people say why i cry and blablaa.one of my bestf was staring at me when i cry .not my girlf ehy.aftr sch i cry again untill Shamil say "Cik kak ,jgn nangis atao sedih laa be happy" hahs ,cuteee perh boy ?when otw walking to gate Razin mcm soyaal.hahs .call my name then wink at me then say byee.daa sec3 tapi pendeq mcm pri3.hahs ,no offence.aftr sch went sculpture park have fun with my girlf then suddenly i do electro mcm ader`aderh je aqu.then one of my friend text me say tht he saw me doing electro ohhmyy ,malu perh .went home bingit satu rumaah scold father and sister .mcm soyaal kn ?i know.so today i nvr talk to father-.-'and yeaah today will go bowling with mum,both sis and couzin and aunty .i want to topup today so i can text bestf .first time i have bestf tht is boy and chinese.i love SOME of my 1A coz they friendly and yeaah ,in class they love to make noise and act gangster still they are friendly to me.some of them i hate bcoz step mnr peyh bsr and perangai mcm *toot.hahs .going to change bckgrnd its too plain ,hahaa.i love my senior alot ,they are AWESOME .

`I wont talk to you again boy.):

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Sunday, January 16

Ohhmy,tmrw sch must wakeup earlyy-.-'
so tmrw i wont go sch with Farhan .dont ask why ohhkeh.hmmm ,im tired with all my promblem i guess 2011 is suck for me.just beginning of th year and im hurt yeaah ,i didnt show my sadness i just show my fakee smile and laugh but inside im dying likee hell thanks to youh `A .no more him in my lifee maybe i just move on .your excuse was totally lame kay ?-.-ohhyaa ,dont say to me "you regret"ohhkeh ?coz last time you alrdy make a mistake and i alrdy given you chance and u didnt appericiate .hmmm ,im wondered why this world have heartpains ?kay ,forget tht topic .erhm,currently chat w/ Zul ,ohmmyy awk sungguh kekek .hahs .tmrw wont slack with my senior bcoz of Farhan-.-'satuu`satuu buat perangai mcm soyaal.bagos laa tuh sayee suke sngt(:

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Friday, January 14

-/Ohhh ,my blog totally dead(: 
Todaay was damn boring ,first period was Science i totallyy sleeppyy so i sleep at class for awhile hehs(: then it was Langarts follow by PE ,we must run th whole sch untill i sempot baeeek laa tuh(Y).as today go sch w/ Farhan .hmm ,i know in his heart he's mood swayy nk mampat-.-'went sch sit with Aidaa and Fiqah .we laugh alot hehs ,kekeek siaa .erhhm ,recess time not same time as Farhan .too bad(: every Monday and Friday will not be th same time as others .naaah ,dont care anyway.today went compass with girlf since Farhan have CCA  then i went library saw jamie then jamie bring me to her friend and then i sae Hafizah .she damn prettyy alrdy jelez y'knw hehs ,as today went home at 0230 .ohhh yaaa ,people think me and Farhan are eheem-eheem .stop it siaaa perangai he just my friend alritee ?(: eherrm,teacher give me alot of hmwk mcm soyaal laa kn .):


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Sunday, January 9

`Tmrw sch ,hope i wont be late again (:
As usual tmrw will go with Farhan .ohhh ,im reallyy sad with my life right now 2011 is worst than 2010 its hurt me alot he think im stupiid ,ohhmyy as wht i say girl are smart than boy .i just going to let go th past like seriouslyy ,errr forget tht topic and yeaah i change my blogskin i dont know wht to use so i use this want .simple(: tmrw will meet babyG alritee ?awww,miiss them lagyy`lagyy AzylaaTwiin heheek rindu kao laa pantatXD !^^ohmyy im in love with WizKhalifa song ,hahhaa (: yeaaah ,its same as my name .hmm ,maybe just a short post not in mood actuallyy .

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Friday, January 7

`SORRY for nt post for a long tiime buzyy with sch (:

;Firstday of sch
Wakeup,bath,dollup then take bus 161 and off to Cvss firstly meet Farhan then went to sch together since i dunnoe where to go Farhan lead th wayy .then went hall th student counseller bring me to my class then suddenly i saw Shahid at th right of th corner i act like i didnt see hym hehs.his class were just beside me and yeaah he keep looking at me so i put an innocent face bt actuallyy i wanaa laughXD .then blablaa gt orientation and 9.30 recess blablaaa then went to tour for sch and went home at 1.00 i went home strict since im nt feeling well and thanks to Farhan for send me to bus`stop^_^
;2nddayy of sch 
As usual but i late liittle bit ffuuuhhh.and yeaah went home at 6.00 arghhh !pantat seyh ): so yeaah didn't went home with Farhan so i went home with myy friend .take LRT to compass then take bus haiishh .and yeaah th rain make me scared seyh especially th thunder-.-'reached home at 6.30plus went home bath then open lappyy chat with senior(:

;3rddayy of sch 
Wakeup at 7.40 siaaak ,im late rushiing then blablaa went to take bus 161 reached there 8.40 rabaaak ,so reached at sch act like everythiing ohhkeh bt insiide i was like fck yeaaa.infact tht day i got camp terpakse pegyy walaupn lmbt.so yeaah recess i didnt eat due to no mood .saw Amie and all talk with Amie abt someone and they call me jendol .siaaak uhr krng nabeeii-.-'jendol`jendol pn krng mntk num .mcm siaak uhr krng _|_ so yeaaah camp was fun bt one thiing is girl sleep at dlassroom boy sleep at hall ,unfaiir siaak.th next day bath then dollup then sit down at classroom and chitt`chat.arnd 6plus went to canteen and have breakfast .then suddenly i feel so sleepy untill i have no energy to talk .

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Monday, January 3

First thing to say im sorry for nt update my blog due to myy lazyness hehee(: and yeaaah,im nt in mood to update anywayy.in th first place i find out [insertname] att ,hmmm ,if he att he think im hurt im nt tht weak alrite boy ?alot of boy also waiting for me,so i better move on .and soon im going to change my blogskin like seriously .and yeaah tmrw sch ohmyy blm ready seyh im still in holiday mood arghhh !-.-'

Today i like being hurt alot .bt why ?its like i being karma .its th boy who hurt me and i get karma ?im just doing wht's right for me .infact only god knows why im doing all thiis ,i guess only my guyfriend understand me.maybe one day im goingg to change .bt its take time i dont want to do all bad thing tht i done last year and it hurt myself and people alot .anybody who hate me ?tht ur promblem alirte.i fcking hack care(: im just going to have a guyfriend than a r/s coz its hurt me alot and i dont trust them.

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