Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Wednesday, March 16

Ystrdy meet love at busstop then off to hougang mall aftr went hgg mall then take bus 80 to vivo .reached there ,buy tickets .we buy 0430 punyr ,pfft-.-' then went to skygarden .i really love to stare at him when he smile .sungguh cutee^-^ he look at me then close my eyes ,hehs .he hug me tightly and give me his bigbig kiss at my cheek and forehead then he say something tht make me melts its kindda like sweet'talk .then went to take a walk at vivo .otw ,we keep laughing and laughing .when its strike 0400 we go 7-eleven to buy snacks atlast he put all th snacks inside my bag-.-'then off to theathre and wait fr 15mins then we went inside .there's this two girls sit beside me and keep gosiiping i was like stare at them then they keep quiet ,pfft .kecot ehh ?ohh ,when me and love otw to vivo there's this gangster point at me and say "muketkperlu" so i was like blank and roll eyes .his faced more worst i tell youu .peirce like dfghjnbv pls .daa gemok nk caryk psl ,sungguh tk perlu .tk goyang siaa .even im twelve going to sweet thirteen i dont scared about all this craps .they just wanaa step geyrek infront of me ,goleyk pantat uhr kao ! but still todaay i have fun with Elyasbby .but when otw home he got make me sad and i hate it alot .he try his best to forgive himself by saying im sorry many times and never fail to make me smile .i really love you but pls i hate when you hurt me ,i hate it alot(:

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Tuesday, March 15
`YAAAY !(: 
Tmrw will be going out with boyf and his friend .cant wait to meet him pls .rindu sesngt .grrr ,im seriously angry with this bitch poser habis seyh .menyampar .campak kasut kt muke kao pn cantek,pffft-.-' kaay last week i get my result slip not satisfied with it i get one 'U'grade and thats is my maths ,i hope i can improve better.this day its keep raining and somemore i always get about acid rain i dunno its true or not but i just wanna keep save th first person i tell is boyf .risau ohhkaay ?(: cant wait tmrw ,bbyboo will fetch me:D

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Sunday, March 13

HappyyBdaay NurKhalimahllah .
have a blast sis ,going to bashed you pls ,at home you such a annoying and KEPO sis ,sorry .no offence(: ohhyaa ,lastlong samaa your boyf .staay pretty .isayaangyouu always .enjoy your daay later .muakzz<3

`Suuup readers .
today will going out to my grandma house which is my mum side to celebrate my sis bdaay .sadded , cant chat with boyf at night ,i hope he wont offlinee early .currently i have no mood bcoz of my dad ,i dont understand why must he anygry with little things ,bingit siaa pfft-.-' i need you boyf ,only he know how i feel ,he can read my mind like seriously ,iloveeyouuh MEBMY<3

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Friday, March 11

`Suuup readers(:
atlast today is friday .i taught bby go home at 5plus then actually was 7gytuuu ,paiseyh-.- ystrdy no school due to th stupid e-learining buat hidop org susaah jehr ,Zzzz .aftr bby bck i ask him to call me but sadded he has no voice .so i tell him what had happen when he alrdy went to malaysia .i keep laughing and laughing while telling him story and he actually wanted to laugh also .tmrw have MaxFlexor outing i didn't go ,malaaazz pls .i want to meet bby tmrw badly grrr.iloveeyouuhh anak MohammadYusof .

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Tuesday, March 8
`Im know im not strong .
tmrw have learing journey its only mon and tues sch and th rest LJ .he gone to camp for 4days today .in th first place i taught i was strong but in th end i cry infront of him .i was waiting for him at hgg interchange like 15mins and somemore Hakim and Mierza have .they wanted to go sch with us .in th bus i cry and cry ,he saw me and hug me tightly and give me a kiss at my cheek .the more he do tht th more i cry .when reach school i stop crying then suddenly i start again .when class ,some of them look like me like they never cry before-.-'so i stop .when recess time he come to my class and i started to cry more and more he say to me to patient he will very fast come bck and aftr he come back he will online .so in my heart i keep saying tht no matter wht ,i still miss him .when maths period i cry a little bit aftr Hakim say 'Eyfaa ,cheer up ' seriously i cant stand it anymore .i know my twin ,Nabilah feel like crying bcoz he will miss his boyf too but still she try her best not to .aftr sch slacked as per normal only went home fast around 3plus .reached home suddenly cry again .
 `Time's running out ,We dont have forever unless we break down these walls and stand together<3

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Saturday, March 5
`pretending that everything is okaay . 
my blog are getting dusty please.all this day school was fun but on thursday was fcking bored ,whole day i nvr pay attention .ystrdy i slacked was super fun only i injured my hand ,i wondered why lot's of people call Elyas dragon ?and they call me donkey .so its like shrek movie donkey and dragon uhh meyypeek-.-' th boys really never fail to make me laugh^^ ystrdy went home at 0530 .one whole week i keep went home late somemore on tuesday went home at 0630plus .luckily no one sound me .weee ,sukee sngt laa sayehr .kaay meypeek . i hope he understand how i feel .

Every 22<3

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Sunday, February 27

`Suuuppp . 
yestrday went out with love .meet him downstairs my block then off to take 161 to woodlands he just finished mendaki and i never let him changed ,heheee^^reached woodlands walk`walk buy food and went bck to hgg wait at his void deck let him changed .take 80 to vivo otw there we talk non-stop pls .last`last he so tired and rest at my leg .rmbt satu mcm peyh geli-.-' he say something tht me melts and little bit im going to cry .when i was sleeping at his shoulder he whispered in my ears and say 'Iloveyou' kembang dibuatnyr .reached vivo went skypark find a place to sit and then we camewhore .i tell him abt my family promblem and he advise me to be patient .arnd 5plus take bus and went home .otw at bus we keep gossip abt this uncle .i laugh my ass out pls .damn kekek .i really enjoy my day with him .he know me so well even do he just know me a few weeks ,i wondered if  `F would be like him ,hmmm. at last my hmwk finished so today i just need to revised for up coming test .sadded tht love cant online due to his computer spoil and he also cant use his phone to online .going to miss him pls .i upload one pict and another pict he will upload on mon ^^

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