Once in your life;♥

-;Known as EyfaaElectro
Im a shy girl who have a loud voice and a easy hot-tempered attitude.
Im friendly/kind but in the same time cn be nasty(:
♥An Electro'Dancer
c `-I shout,i smile,i laugh,i cry,I fight ,i say vulgarities.


'Azylaa 'WanieBarney 'IraahMeowMeow 'IlaSotong 'ShashaaKateq 'Milaaah 'AriNi 'Farhanaa 'IyqahSotSot 'Fynaa Lilchi'Karo 'FeefyyLim 'Faziraah 'Elline 'Riinaa 'FeridaFerinaa 'Nastasiaa 'QynJulietSenyoritaa 'DyyanaaDelunaa 'Iylaa 'Shafiiqah 'YayaaChikaro 'Ryshaa Rinaa'Sabrinaa 'Rasyidah Ryy'Dawson 'AzFar

November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011

Sunday, November 28

just nw went swimmiing w/ Azylaa and Siti was awesomezx bt Azylaa nvr swiim due to sickness.hmm,,rugii laa kao Azylaa(:otw to cp.meet Dzul for awhile.heeek,saw hys tshirt wahseyyhh !adr MaxFlexor.hmm,jelous-.-hahaa !then went banquet errr,treat Siti food and driink same goes to Azylaa.tkpe laaa,baek hatii((:aftr tht window shoppiing haahaa,,went kiddy palace.heehs mcm bdk kechyk kn?hehee,me thaak habiis-habiis nan bear while Siti keep sayyiing"kalao laa adr mataeyy kasii nie"huakhuak^__^weee !bestf givee me alrdyy and he wanted to buuyy me another want(:

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Saturday, November 27
 No picture to upload hp sot nk mamps(:
Errr,hope tommrw mummey let me go outt aitess?
ohh prettyy-please.hmmm,wanted to go swiimiing w/ myy lovelitess;azylaa and siti^_^
wahhhseeyh ! I seriousllyy hate org step geyreek .
buaang maserh nk layaan org mcm gyyniiee.Ohh kt depaan nk step mnr peyh geyrek?kt blakaang kentalzx?fuuhh !pleaase,,change ur attitude.i hate POSERS !-.-
im hawt ur nt.so pleaase dont ever say tht u HOT or COOL(:
hahahaa,,budaak-budaak zamaan skrng.MEYPEK nk mamps.errr,,tmrw is someone bdayy.heheek,,i liee to her sayy tht im buzyy padahaal buatt electro videeo untk diaa.heheek jahaat ehy?hmm,till here ayee.malaaaz nk type lagyk TOODLLES !:D

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Thursday, November 25

I get myy psle resultt and yess,i pastt get NT.hmmmm,okaeyy laaa tuh aslkn pass.firstlyy reached sch at 11.15 saw aishah and azylaa sit with them.frm 11 untiil 12.i wass noissyy to th max,never believed?ask them,and yeaah,rynaa come she sit besiide aiishah.and guess wht?i become more noisyy-.-when raziqq get result and he pass me and aishaah was proud of hym heeeh.then when myy turn,Miss Mages say i pass,i jump and shout likee mad person heeeh,thaak tahu malu ehy eyyfaa?^___^salaam MissAtiqah and MissHuda and she sayy to me"bagos laa tuh,boleyh continue datiing"hahaaa,baek ehy MissHuda?huakhuak.then hug CikguSiti then i cryy.lepaas tuh dhe pulaak nangiis.then hug marianaa.i cry even more heeek.then walk with azylaa till downstairs.chit`chat with her.tibee-tibee nmpk ahqerl wahseyhh! she late.hmm,nehmiind.went home tell iya.she proud of me heeh.then daddyy wake up he was surprised tht i pass and get to sec sch.then daddyy call muummeyy,daddyy make mummyy paiseyy.kuangajaar laa lu daddyy-.-haaahaa !hmm,5people text me and sayy hw much i get myy aggregate wahaaliao !penat akuh blg drg.nw i myss yiochukang alrdyyy lagyy-lagyy siix`siix,ohh-ten(:and yeaah,i also proud of myy cuuziin;Fattaah(:he get 170 same as azylaa.haaa~!meet soon ehyy cuzziin !(:

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Tuesday, November 23
;Weee ! Went hme at 6(:
Justt nw was awesomezx went out w/dilaah and rinii.laugh here and there(:i was SEWEL nk mampos untill i laugh myy butt hit rinii hehheekXD wanted to go FarEastPlazaa tapii last`lastt kte kt MarinaSquare-.-busturd ehy kao dilaah?hehs.frm orchard untill MarinaSquare Baek uhr .but still fun otw keep laughiing like mad person.especiallyy me .huakhuak^__^hmm,dilaah told me tht she want me to vertii w/rinaa .hmm,akuh peyh electro dh sexyy PLUS maott .akuh tkt laa pulaak krg terkenciing kt suarr heheheXDpicture was at rinii cameraa soon she will upload aitess.hmm,3.30 off to meet edf leader.while dilaah and rinii went marsliing heeh.saw hym smilee.then he hug me hahaa !leader hug crew((:baeek punyaa .hmm,arnd 4plus off to hougang take 161 then stop at myy house there then went to aishaah voiideck.wee !aishaah tell me everyythiing wht pendeq say to her.waah !gatal ehy pendeq?-.-Such a slut laa youh bhy !

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Later will be goiing out w/ dilaah and rinnii(:haiishh,the rest nt comiing aperh laa krg-.-thaakperh,next tyme jer ehy ?^__^will be goiing to orchard.hmmm,PSLE result lagyy 2harii ~waaah !scared liiao.arrghhh !hope i pass,ohh prettyy please):hmm,ElectroDanseFusiion dh bukak `yeaaah !tapii tukar namerh jadyy MaxFlexor hmm,susaah seyh nk ingt heheek:)

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Sunday, November 21
-I myss youh)':
Waah !ystrdayy cryy untill myy eyes alrdyy swollen .arghhh !i cn let go of pendeq we have been friends 7years and nw been seperated and i love hym .while,im open relatiionshiip with hym (:nw i myss thiis;

;Went to the garden w/ tasiaa,aiishah and pendeq
;myss the noise of siix`siix(:
;the field/canteen.
;melacaa`trip and science center
;the time we play true or dare
;hugged/kiss frm pendeq
;sit at canteen w/ azylaa and aishah.
;myss sitiing at hall
;the laugh of the boys
;the voice of Mrs Cher
;the tyme always laugh out loud with marianaa
;disturb sesat !
;have fun at 6/7 class .
; jokes frm Mr Benjamiin

Awww,i reallyy myss tht nw i feel lyke im lonelyy)':firstlyy i taught 2010 was bad frm me bt i guess i wrong i cryy alot than 2009 .azylaa and me always sayy"Yck merepek mcm nk kuar je"and when the tymes up we cant let go .no matter wht i will myss siix`siix,ohh-ten !nw the person i myss;


 Did i myss someone name ?i dont thiink so(:

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Friday, November 19

`Weeink !
Justt nw the priize presentatiion was touchiing .guess wht ?Mrs Toh was there .`Weee !happyy sayer(: arnd 11 finished aperh lagyk ?aleek;mandii-doll up and off to meet aishaah,saiif`twiin andand pendeq otw to aishaah voiideck i saw aishah,saiif`twiin and pendeq hehee.pendeq look at me smpaii mulut terbukak^^then sit down at aishah voiideck coz we were panicked coz we wear sliipers/sandals bt i ask aiishah to briing for me miine pump shoes so aishah are the one who onlyy wear slliiper .hmmm,reaced there everyyone look at me up and down wahhseyhh !-.-there's alot was weariing dress.heek !and when the farewell partyy start alrdyy 3-4 girls sayy i pretty frm there i kembang(:pendeq sayy "eleeeh,i lagyy handsome laa"then i was lykke wtf?!perasaan btl laa tuh ank .aftr farewell was lunch tyme i didn't eat coz i have no mood.then take piic w/ myy loves ones and teachers .at sch i didnt cryy i also duunoe whhyy .coz maybe pendeq was bessiide me and i dont feel lyke im being left behhiind(:when 3.30 alrdyy off to one place .then saw nuyuul nk layaan tapi tk buleyh):then make a viideo of electro lastt`lastt ask azylaa to delete.hmm,when alrdyy 4plus pendeq and saiif`twiin wanaa go home i shout "i want a hug !"then pendeq come siit besiide me and then he kiiss at myy cheek and then i hugged hym tightlyy .then aishaah also wannaa go home .so i let her i cant force her and i know he wannaa see saiif heheek(:when theyy walk pendeq come agaiin and give me a kiiss at myy cheek,i walk then i started to cryy and i feeliing lyke im lonelyy .azylaa try to comfort me and lastlyy nadiraah make me laugh(':

When to bus stop take 147 to hgg.m i msg pendeq sayy"I wiill miss youh" then otw to hgg.m pendeq replyy "i will miiss youh too"and i cryy agaiin.when reached alrdyy nadiraah went home haiyomaa-.-then wentt timezone take newprint playy games there's a game tht me and azylaa laugh out loud likee crazyy people:Dthen aftr went timezone buyy thiis driink its likee wine but it doesn't then decided to lepaak at siti crib vertii electro,beiing crazyy and alll stuff.and guess wht ?myy head likee gonaa explode.myy face look lyke i drunk haiiishh.then call pendeq.awww,i myss hys voice .then went home,i reached arnd 7.00 wee !lambat ehy ?kuarr sklh kul 3.30 alek 7.00 ishishish(:nobodyy at home so i conference with myy love ones.pendeq and aishaah .hmm,i knw youh all thiink who is pendeq while soon youh will know hys name .(:

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Thursday, November 18

Weeink !
Tmrw farewell parttyy (:bt theen we mustt go to th prize presentatiion at 8 aiyoomaaa-.-hmm,tmrw will go w/ awesomezx ;tasiaa,amiin,saiif`twwin andand aiishaah:D weee ! kte dh plaan.todayy teacher was weird to th max keep smiilee at me.hmmm,nk step baek laa pulaak,hahaa ! teacher saw me and tasiiaa danciing crazyy at libraryy huakhuak,maluu liaao((:hmm,later night i will CONFIRM everyy p6 buzyy abt wht to wear fr tmrw heheek.makee sure myy awesomexx wear prettyy andand hot ayyee ?heee.at sch there's a haters hahaa,waaah !hidop pc laaa krg .WAAH HATERS JUST MAKE TH PERSON FAMOUS !

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Wednesday, November 17

`Wee,,i just brought dress for farewell partyy .errr,sch gonaa be closed.cant meet pendeq anyymore .justtt now at sch laughtt alott w/ aishaahdarl(:heeekheek !syafiiqq ohh syafiiqq kekek uhr luu !nk citekn phsl hantuu atlastt cite klakaa-.-wheen syafiiqq storyy telliing at fahmyy and aiishaah.i sleep !Zzzz !(:wheen pendeq finished th soccer thiing .i fck dont care coz tht tyme i was sleepyy malazz nk tngk dhe heee,jahaatt ehy eyyffaa ?aftr sch,merayap gyy caryk bajuu heehee !thaanks to aiishaah for treat me th hot dress^^

When sch as per normaal .Saw pendeq smiilee at hym(:GLEE !pendeq make me caiir uhr !fuuh !hotstuff(:hmm,frm 8.00-1.00 there's a program abt managiing to sec sch .it wass fuun !playy games and act or whtsoever.err,when act tyme?i become mother and pendeq become father baeek uhr krg !tkde kejee laa krg-.-theen when luch tymee went garden w/ tasiaa,pendek andand aiishaah hug pendeq tightlyy .heeheek !then sgs come to our sch .hmm,i dunnoe wanted to make it as minee 6choiices or nt ?should i or should nt ?thenthen aftr sch merayaap lagyy go toa payoh w/ wenjiiee,sulaihaa and aiishaah .kte nk caryk aju kt sanerh lastt`lastt caryk makanaan-.-wasted !hahahaa .reached home arnd 5.30 frm there have stomach cramp !soyaal.tkleyhh angkatt siuul dhe punyerh sakiit !mcm nk beranaak !heheheek((:

nothiing to post yaww,hmm,maybe later gonaa go grandmother house(:and yeaah SELAMAT HARI RAYA HAJI !

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Monday, November 15

 `Weee .
just came bck frm orchard w/ ashyy,azylaadarl andand aniq(:awesomexx peoplee y-know^^hmm,firstt meet at azylaa as usuaal myy void deck then off to tampiness byy mrt hahaa !otw there laughh alot with twiin.theen blablaablaa meet ashyy and aniq off to somewhere lastt`lastt dpt tawuu gyy tokomu.soyaal btl uhr krg !niee cnfrm plaan krng nk akuh jumpee nan electro dopee tuh-.-ouhh,please .i dont wantt to know or care abt hym.)':theen frm bedok mrt to dhoubyy ghaut mrt and theen wentt to orchard central (:makkoiit !ashyy biisiing siuul tkleyh angkatt !and somemore aniqq cutee huakhuak:Dhmm,aftr went to orchard central time check alrdyy 5.30 then off to mrt statiion before tht there's somethiing happen untill me and azylaa laugh out loud lyke nobodyy business((:youh know,i know kn azylaa?taipiaang .maluu sioot nk tgk muke dye .otw home saw mummeyy .frm there then wentt hgg.p then HOME SWEET HOME !(:anyyhotts will uploaad th picc when im nt lazyy .

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Saturday, November 13
`Weee !
I restrt myy blog .haiishh,myss melacaa nyerh storyy laa pulaak (:but nehmiind still have th piicc huakhuak^^myy electro makiin improved but there's a promblem err,,NO SUPRAAA !!ishk,gonnaa get itt before some bitches get itt ayee ?heheee.jaahaat ehy eyyfaa ?im single but has admired(:PENDEK>33 !((:kaeyy.shutt up .wee !ILOVEYOUH !

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